Each painting is created on an authentic blank 11inx17in MTA transit sign. All paintings are connected to Hip Hop in some form or fashion and every post will be connected to a subway station that has something to do with my life as a New Yorker growing up here. New Artwork Series entitled:"Hip Hop SUBWAY SERVICE" series by Kha-TeesFirst painting of the series...with BBOY character wearing Gazelles and a backpack. 50 years of Hip Hop and we celebrate our influence in art and culture.
This Station at 53rd and Lex was the stop I got off on to go to my Highschool artanddesignnyc on 52 and 2nd Ave back in 85-88. It was the coolest fashionist and most artistic school expression in NY. I was an art school kid, with my portfolio cases, art supplies and kneed erasures..lol...So many great famous people came from A&D but one Hip Hop MC that was in my school year was @kwamevision, so I had to pay homage to my friend and HS alumni.
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SKU: 345
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